Monday, November 30, 2009

Nicanor Perlas Formalizes Bid for Presidency

Condemns the Massacre in Maguindanao as a Local Manifestation of the National Impunity of Traditional Politics That is Destroying the Nation

Calls on all Filipinos of Good Will to Create a Better Country by Ushering in a New Politics of Vision, Hope, Competence, Integrity, Courage and Action.

[Media usually covers only snippets of a press release. I would like to share the full content of the statement that I gave to the media today, 29 November 2009. In this way, readers can have a full picture of how I am framing my presidential candidacy in the national elections in 2010.]

Today, delivering on his promise, Nicanor Perlas filed his Certificate of Candidacy for the position of President of the Philippines at the national office of the Commission on Elections in Intramuros, National Capital Region. Key members of his volunteer and support group, including his son, Christopher Michael, accompanied Perlas in his bid for the highest political office of the country in the upcoming national elections in 2010. Perlas characterized his presidential bid as responding to the call of millions of Filipinos to have real choices in the 2010 elections, to advance the country into a higher level of development, and to end the hopeless practice of choosing between lesser and greater evil.

“We join the national and global outrage against the senseless massacre of dozens of innocent and unarmed children, women, journalists, and men by the heavily armed goons of the Ampatuan dynasty, the political overlords of Maguindanao”, declared Perlas. “We demand that the national government intensify its efforts to neutralize all armed political dynasties, arrest all killers involved in the slaughter, dismantle private armies all over the country, and secure comprehensive justice for all the victims of this unprecedented mass murder that has shocked the nation”, asserted Perlas.

“While we are shaken by this horrible display of raw power, please let us not forget that there are equally shocking, even if mostly, invisible crimes perpetuated with impunity by traditional politicians upon Filipinos”, Perlas pointed out.

“This blatant and totally conscienceless display of political power is but a local manifestation of the national cancer of political impunity that is eating away at the soul and spirit of the Filipino nation”, continued Perlas.

“Have traditional politicians not destroyed the lives of millions of Filipinos when they, including the present government, have allowed the country to become the number one drug user in Asia? Are we not alarmed by the massive but quiet slaughter of poor children, women, and men due to extreme poverty? Is it not the same kind of political impunity as the Maguindanao massacre that enables traditional politicians to fatten themselves with the hundreds of billions of pesos that they steal from the national treasury, while allowing and causing unrelenting poverty, poor health and environmental disaster, among others, to suck out the lives of tens of thousands of Filipinos?” asked Perlas.

“It is not an accident that this insane murder has taken place at the very specific period for filing certificates of candidacies”, emphasized Perlas. “The Maguindanao massacre is reminding us about what is at stake in the national elections of 2010. Are we going to allow the traditional violent politics of impunity, whether of the blatant or quiet kind, to continue tearing our nation apart and killing Filipinos? Or will have the will and courage to challenge the heavy and oppressive structure of traditional politics and create a new possibility for the country”, challenged Perlas.

Perlas called on all Filipinos of good will to help inaugurate, together with him, a new politics of vision, hope, action and transformation. Perlas characterized new politics as focused on a positive vision and program of the future and committed to the successful election of political leaders who have the track record, competence, integrity, courage and strong spiritual foundations to pursue the vision and platform for a new Philippines.

“Let us inaugurate a new politics that will dramatically reduce and even eradicate poverty, remove corruption, improve the quality of life for all, dismantle warlords and private armies, establish peace, regenerate the environment, provide quality education, harness the creativity of the Filipino people, energize the emergence of broad-based equitable economic development, and mobilize all citizens of good will to help create a sustainable nation capable of taking its appropriate role in world affairs”, exhorted Perlas.

Perlas emphasized that the new politics he seeks to inaugurate with his candidacy does not rely on popularity, pedigree, heredity, dynasty, or any other superficial forms of criteria, in electing its leaders. Instead, it encourages all Filipinos to use their powers of reason in order to discern, on the basis of vision, platform, past experience, competence and character, which political candidate to support.

“New politics realizes that not all that glitters is gold. New Politics resonates with the practice of 19th century Filipino revolutionary heroes who distinguished between “ningning” (false glitter”) and “liwanag” (true light). When this happens, we will move beyond the age of broken campaign promises to the new era of fulfilled hopes and expectations”, predicted Perlas.

Perlas is confident that a positive vision and image of the future and the inspiring, qualified and charismatic political leadership to realize this promising future will attract millions of volunteers. Perlas is convinced that volunteers will bring in the necessary human power to create the appropriate organization and the financial means to realize the vision and platform of a new, prosperous, just, peaceful, stable, and exemplary Philippines. No amount of money or traditional political organization can overcome the force of thousands of committed and enthusiastic volunteers yearning for a new future.

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