Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Amnesty says the government must take action to defend Freedom of Information

By Mei Orias, AIPhil

“Respecting freedom is a better strategy for development than repression.” said Amnesty International Philippines Campaign Coordinator, Wilnor Papa, in a rally today at the Senate of the Philippines for the immediate passage of the Freedom of Information Bill or SB 3308.

Amnesty International strongly maintains that freedom of information is freedom to participate in all forms of decision-making which is an essential foundation of the human rights infrastructure.

“If we don’t have the access to information which will help people promote their agency, there can never be true freedom in the Philippines. The value of freedom both as a means and as end cannot be overstated.” Added Papa.

Amnesty International supports the Access to Information Network (ATIN), a coalition composed of journalists groups, the academe, peoples’ organization and human rights NGOs. ATIN calls for “Right to Know Right Now!” and has been lobbying at the House of Representative and the Senate for the passage of the Freedom of Information Bill. In a previous press release, the network said that the lack of legislation on the right to information has grave consequences for the country. The resulting overall lack of transparency in government has impeded the country’s development as it relates directly to the persistence of rampant corruption and to the ineffectiveness of government policies. If passed, the proposed Freedom of Information Act will profoundly change the landscape of access to information. (www.pcij.org)

“There is also a lack in mechanisms to ensure transparency and accountability in all government transactions, this bill can become the safety net. If the people do not know what is happening, how can they effectively participate? Freedom of Information is an essential ingredient in creating a society where citizenry is actively engaged in debates on development. To be actively engaged and shape debate and decision-making requires access to the information on which decisions and policies are based.” Explained Papa.

As part of Amnesty International’s Demand Dignity campaign, which aims to end the human rights violations that drive and deepen global poverty and mobilize people all over the world to demand that governments, big corporations and others who have power must listen to the voices of those living in poverty and recognize and protect their rights, AI Philippines strongly supports the campaign for freedom of information. Amnesty International believes that respect for human rights demands inclusion, demands that people get a say, and demands that those in power ensure transparency and accountability.


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